Brigittine Carmelite Rosary (Glorious Mysteries Meditations)
The First Glorious Mystery: The Resurrection
Let us contemplate in this mystery how our Lord Jesus Christ, triumphing gloriously over death, rose again on the third day, immortal and impassible. May we be ever steadfast in the profession and practice of our faith of which this mystery is the foundation.
The Second Glorious Mystery: The Ascension
Let us contemplate in this mystery how our Lord, forty days after His Resurrection, ascended into heaven, attended by angels in the sight of His most holy Mother, and His apostles and disciples, to the great admiration of them all. Let us pray for an increase of Hope and an ardent longing for heaven.
The Third Glorious Mystery: The Descent of the Holy Spirit
Let us contemplate in this mystery how our Lord, being seated on the right hand of God the Father, sent, as He had promised, the Holy Spirit. May that same Spirit enkindle in our souls the fire of divine love.
The Fourth Glorious Mystery: The Assumption
Let us contemplate in this mystery how the glorious Virgin, some years after the Resurrection of her Son, passed out of this world unto Him, and was by Him assumed into heaven, accompanied by the holy angels. Let us every day beg our blessed Lady to obtain for us the grace of a happy death.
The Fifth Glorious Mystery: The Coronation
Let us contemplate in this mystery how the glorious Virgin Mary, with great jubilee and exultation of the whole court of heaven, was crowned by her Son with the brightest diadem of glory. May we be always found faithful in our devotedness to the Queen of the most holy Rosary.
The Sixth Glorious Mystery: The Patronage of Mary
Let us contemplate in this mystery how Mary, now crowned as Queen of Heaven and Earth, and enjoying the full vision of Christ’s redeeming work, is the patron saint of all humanity. May we be supported by her constant prayers and encouraged by the many graces God dispenses through Mary’s hands.