The Chaplet of St. Charbel consists of a metal of St. Charbel, an opening prayer bead, and 5 sections each consisting of 4 beads on which to pray 1 Our Father and 3 Hail Mary's to honor different aspects of St. Charbel's holy life.
(3 red sections, 1 white section, and 1 blue section as shown below)

+In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Opening Prayer
Father of Truth, behold Your Son, a sacrifice pleasing to You. Accept this offering of Him who died for me; behold His blood shed on Golgotha for my salvation. It pleads for me. For His sake, accept my offering. Many are my sins, but greater is Your mercy. When placed on a scale, Your mercy prevails over the weight of the mountains known only to You. Consider the sin and consider the atonement; the atonement is greater and exceeds the sin. Your beloved Son sustained the nails and the lance because of my sins so in His sufferings You are satisfied and I live.
Section 1:
1 Our Father
In honor of St. Charbel's fidelity to the vow of poverty
3 Hail Mary's
Section 2:
1 Our Father
In honor of St. Charbel's fidelity to the vow of chastity
3 Hail Mary's
Section 3:
1 Our Father
In honor of St. Charbel's fidelity to the vow of obedience
3 Hail Mary's
Section 4:
1 Our Father
In honor of St. Charbel's love for the Eucharist
3 Hail Mary's
Section 5:
1 Our Father
In honor of St. Charbel's devotion our Blessed Mother
3 Hail Mary's
Closing Prayer:
Lord, infinitely holy and glorified in Your saints, You have inspired Charbel, the saint monk, to lead the perfect life of a hermit. We thank You for granting him the blessing and the strength to detach himself from the world so that the heroism of the monastic virtues of poverty, chastity, and obedience might triumph in his hermitage. We beseech You to grant us the grace of loving and serving You, following his example. Almighty God, who have manifested the power of Saint Charbel’s intercession through his countless miracles and favors, grant us this grace (mention special intention) which we request from You through his intercession. Amen.
